United Kingdom Chapter

Contact us

Please find contact details below for the various branches in the IAM UK chapter.

IAM Aberdeen Branch

Adam Lea-Bischinger / Aberdeen@UK.theIAM.org

IAM Cumbria Branch

Martin Grey / Cumbria@UK.theIAM.org

IAM Eastern Branch

Malvinder Plaha / Eastern@UK.theIAM.org

IAM London South East Branch

Keith Gardner / London@UK.theIAM.org

IAM Midlands Branch

David Lyons / Midlands@UK.theIAM.org

IAM North East Branch

TBA / NorthEast@UK.theIAM.org

IAM North West Branch

Simon Cain / NorthWest@UK.theIAM.org

IAM Scotland Branch

Sean Anderson / Scotland@UK.theIAM.org

IAM South West Branch

Andrew McArthur / SouthWest@UK.theIAM.org

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